
Showing posts from October, 2020


INTRODUCTION :- • long S shaped bone.  • Supports shoulder that arms can swing away from the trunk.  • Transmits weight of the limb to the sternum.  • Only long bone that lies horizontally and ossifies in membrane.  • subcutaneous.  • First bone to start ossifying.  BONE DIVISION 1. Cylindrical shaft 2. Two ends lateral and medial.    GENERAL FEATURES   SHAFT :- divided in two parts medial 2/3rd and lateral 1/3rd  1. LATERAL 1/3rd :-    •Flattened from above downwards.   •Two borders   1. Anterior :- concave forwards  2. Posterior :- convex backwards  • Two surfaces:-   1. Superior :- subcutaneous   2. Inferior :- presents elevation called CONOID TUBERCLE and TRAPEZOID RIDGE.   2. MEDIAL 2/3rd :- rounded having four surfaces.   1. Anterior :- convex forwards  2. Posterior :- smooth  3. Superior :- Rough in its medial part ...


Ayurvedic perspective of dysfunctional uterine bleeding Ayurveda, ancient medical science (1000-2000 ) written about the length of normal cycle (28-30 days) and duration of bleeding time (4-5 days). This is tallying with present medical knowledge .  Normally in a healthy girl, menarche appears between 11 and 15 years, with an interval of 21-35 days and duration of bleeding about 4-5 days . It is in parlance with dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB), the incidence being about 30% amongst new patients attending gynaecological OPD. Incidence of DUB is approximately of 10%-30%.  Around 1400 B.C. Asrigdara characterized by excessive, prolonged, and menstrual or inter menstrual bleeding. This is equivalent to DUB.  Irregularity in menstruation may affect fertility of women. DUB appears any time between puberty and menopause. Several modern medicines are available, but always result need not lead to pregnancy. Also, it is unaffordable for many pat...


✧ Udavartini is one among the 20 gynaecological disorders. It is caused due to aggravated apana vata which throws the menstrual blood in an upward direction causing painful menstruation. It is called by the name Udavrutta by both Vagbhatas. In Madhava Nidana treatise, the same condition is named as Udavarta Causative factor Vega udavarta – movement of natural urges for flatus, feces, urine etc in a reverse / upward movement (other than the normal course of movement) Pathogenesis ✧When the natural urges like that for flatus etc moves in a reverse direction / upward course, the apana vata gets  aggravated. This aggravated vata moving in reverse / upward direction  fills up the vagina and uterus, contaminates them and causes abnormalities i.e. painful conditions. Sign and symptoms ✧ Saa rugarta rajah krichchrena udavruttam vimunchati – the uterus seized with severe pain caused by vitiated vata, initially throws the menstrual blood in an upward direction and later d...


This small fruit is stuffed with innumerable health benefits that can ever be imagined. The word Amla refers to sour, which is its predominant taste. Charaka has mentioned Amalaki as the best among anti aging herbs. Amalaki has sourness as its main taste. Usually sour taste increases Pitta but Amla balances Pitta. Though amla has a slight sweet taste, it is used as an ingredient in many  Amalaki contains five tastes excluding salt taste. BOTANICAL NAME :- Emblica officinalis or Phyllanthus emblica FAMILY :- Euphorbeaceae Sanskrit Synonyms Amalki, Amalaki  – having sour taste Dhatri – takes care of the patient like a mother Shriphala, Divya – fruit is auspicious Amrutaphala – As good as nectar Vayastha, Vayasya – anti aging Tishyaphala, Sheetaphala – has coolant property Jatiphalarasa, Seedurasa, Seeduphala, Vrishyaphala Shivam, Shanta, Vrittaphala, Varshaphala Vernacular names Hindi name: Amla, Awla, Anwala, ambala, amlika, anwala. English name: Indian Gooseb...


  Agaru, Aquilaria agallocha is a fragrant tree, commonly known as Agarwood, Aloeswood, Eaglewood etc. It is used in treating diseases related to ear, nose, throat, asthma, cough etc. Moreover, it also provides benefits in cardiac weakness, persistent hiccups, enuresis, chyluria (chylous urine), fever with chills, and diseases of male reproductive system. Botanical   Name -Aquilaria agallocha Roxb. Family - THYMELAEACEAE Names in different languages: English Name – Agarwood, Agilawood, Hindi Name- Agar Bengali Name- Agaru Telugu Name- Agaru Tamil Name- Aggalichandanam, Agalichandanam Gujarati Name-Agar Bengali name- Agaru Malayalam name – Akil Sanskrit synonyms Krumija, Krimijagdha, Anaryaka, Vishvaroopakam, Pravara, Jongakam, Shreshta Vruksha, Rajarha, Vamshika Loha – It is heavy and black, similar to Iron. Classical  categorisation Charaka – Sheeta Prashamana – Group of herbs to relieve feeling of coldness, moistness. Shvasahara – Group of herbs that reli...


ViruddhaAahara: ViruddhaAahara can be interpreted as Food allergy. The term food allergy has been used to describe any reaction associated with food. Food allergy is merely one form of food intolerance. According to Classical definition anything that provokes humors without eliminating them is generally considered as viruddha or incompatible. There are eighteen types of food incompatibilities described in CharakSamhita . They are as following : 1.Place incompatibility [DeshViruddha] e.g. Hot and sharp in arid place. Cold and unctuous in marshy place. 2.Time incompatibility [KalaViruddha] e.g. Cold and dry in cold season. Spicy and hot in summer. 3.Digestion incompatibility [Agni Viruddha] e.g. indigestible articles of food, piece of iron. 4.Dose incompatibility [MaatraViruddha] e.g. honey and ghee in equal quantities. 5.Habit incompatibility [SaatmyaViruddha] e.g. very spicy food to a person who is not habituated to it. 6.Humour incompatibility [DoshaViruddha]which aggravat...

Polycystic ovarian syndrome in Ayurveda

ACCORDING TO AYURVEDA The disorder involves Vata and Kapha doshas, Meda-Mamsa-Rakta dhatus.Therefore Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome can also be described with same involvement of Dosha and Dhatu.Chikitsa siddhanta aims Agni Deepana and Aampachana, hence clearing away the Srotorodha (obstacles)of Aartava-vaha srotas (Channels carrying menstrual blood)and others.Srotoshodhana leads to Apana-Vatanulomana resulting in regularization of menstrual cycle, imbalanced hormones and metabolism.  Reduction in Kapha is helpful in relieving obesity along with the associated symptoms of hyperandrogenism. Moreover, regular exercise and balanced diet catalyzes the action of drugs. Hence PCOS can be managed with Ayurvedic formulations along with Life-style modifications and restricted diet.  In Ayurveda, PCOS is not described as a separate heading, but can be portrayed under the headings of various yonivyapadas (genitaln regularization of menstrual cycle, imbalanced hormones and metab...